Sunday, November 30, 2008

Lee: The process of the final blog.

The following a brief transcript of how this blog came into being, involving both Tane (as joedivola) and myself.

Lee says:
ah yes

Lee says:
its all coming back to me

joedivola says:
my wife never did tho

joedivola says:
after the pecan incident

Lee says:
pecan incident of 89?

joedivola says:
yep, 89 pecan incidents in the summer of 43

joedivola says:
thirty three casualties

joedivola says:
thats when i became mute

Lee says:
my herion adiction didnt help either

Lee says:
during the incident

joedivola says:
i was pushing wheat on street corners at the time

Lee says:
wheat is pretty chronic

joedivola says:
you mightve been shooting up my high grade wheat

joedivola says:
actually it was just self-raising flour but it made coin

Lee says:
you gotta do what u gotta do

joedivola says:
when duty calls you stop drop and do it

joedivola says:
when nature calls you stop drop and do it

joedivola says:
i like duty but i always put nature on hold

joedivola says:
nature gets my answering machine

Lee says:
nature rides shotgun with me

Lee says:
urinating everywhere

joedivola says:

joedivola says:
civic centres

joedivola says:
bowling greens

Lee says:
old mans hats

joedivola says:

Lee says:

joedivola says:
petrol tanks

joedivola says:
windscreen fluid canisters

Lee says:
alexander the great

Lee says:
police cheif cruthers

joedivola says:

joedivola says:

Lee says:

Lee says:
still got that freestyle one to do aye

Lee says:

joedivola says:

Lee says:
what u do urs on?

Lee says:
i dont recall seeing it

joedivola says:
a really long blog without using full stops generally discussing the creepiness of mimes moths and a teddy bear named gustav

joedivola says:
and the like

Lee says:
sounds like a winer

Lee says:

Lee says:

Lee says:

Lee says:

joedivola says:
it was a whiner

joedivola says:
you should blog up a really whiny blog

joedivola says:
'why i hate my life'

Lee says:

Lee says:
oh ssheeet

Lee says:
thats reminds me

Lee says:
i had a real phat blog idea to go with

Lee says:
oh yeah

Lee says:
people who apologise for shit they dont care about

Lee says:
was at work and i realised that every "older" class upstanding citizen apologises whenever they ask for a plastic bag. or i ask if they want one

Lee says:
or they say unfortunatly yeah i need one

Lee says:

Lee says:
because it is trendy to hate plastic bags

joedivola says:
do they make a point of being embarassed about using plastic bags

Lee says:

Lee says:
i wouldnt go that far

Lee says:
more like they dont want the pople around them to think there a bag using prick

Lee says:
50% of bag users

Lee says:
use the excuse "im walking"

Lee says:
as an excuse for taking a plastic bag

joedivola says:
what an absolute load of shit

joedivola says:

joedivola says:
as if they give a damn

Lee says:
they dont

Lee says:
but its trendy to care for the environment

Lee says:
which they arent doing. but pretening they want to!

joedivola says:
they probly get home and hit sheep or throw pesticide around

Lee says:
frolick in the blood of another human being

joedivola says:
would you breach the subject of the trendiness of cigarettes?

joedivola says:
its disputable and highly controversial

Lee says:
its plausible

joedivola says:
or is it busted

joedivola says:
do you think cigarettes are actually still trendy but everyone pretends they arent?

Lee says:
ohhh when you put it that way

Lee says:

Lee says:
"cigarettes are so gross.

Lee says:
give me 2 packs of PJ Gold plzzz

joedivola says:
i think people trying to quit are apparently even cooler because theyve decided they dont even need these to be cool

joedivola says:
but once you quit youre no longer cool

joedivola says:
thats why not many people can get thru the quitting stage

Lee says:
that is an extremly valid point

Lee says:
it must be looked into by the proper authorities asap

joedivola says:
raise it in your blog

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